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On order

EHEIM double 25/34 faucet

Double connection valves with quick connection if you want to remove the pipes, for cleaning and emptying aquarium, easily

JBL Proflow U2000

Universal pump, 2000 l/h flow for brewing water in aquariums and aquaterrariums. Usable for biofilters, apartment fountains
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CerpoFor Bactyfec 1000ml

traitement contre : -pourriture des nageoires -ulcères -moisissures de la bouche 1000ml traite 5000l d’eau
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GHL pH-Electrode (PL-0071)

  Électrode de pH Les électrodes de pH sont équipées d’un électrolyte gel et d’un diaphragme en céramique, câble
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Fauna Marin Dino x 1000ml

Fauna Marin Dino X is a very concentrated and effective solution for the elimination of filamentous algae and dinoflagellates. He treats algae in
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Will be CO2 bottle 450gr

The will be a high quality steel CO2 under pressure CO2 offers maximum security. Controlled quality with safety
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Superfish Pond Clear UVC 7,500

Superfish Pond Clear UVC 7500/9 Watt The Pond Clear UVC fights floating algae and creates a light basin in

Superior Start 50 Tropical Kit White

The Start 50 aquarium is a complete kit to accommodate fish. Easy to install, it is ideal for the beginner aquariophile while respecting the well-being of the fish.

Superfish Start 50 Tropical Kit Black

The Start 50 aquarium is a complete kit to accommodate fish. Easy to install, it is ideal for the beginner aquariophile while respecting the well-being of the fish.

Superfish reinforced pipe 40mm / 10m

Adapted to the connection of pumps, filters and waterfalls
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Easy-Life Easycarbo 5L

EasyCarbo is a very powerful and effective carbon nutrition for aquarium plants. Carbon (in the form of dissolved CO2
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Easy-Life Filter Medium 5L

Easy-Life Filter Medium is the most versatile water conditioner on the market. It makes the crystal clear water. He is