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Reptirain (programmable water sprayer)

Powerful and silent pump - portable for interior and exterior use. Includes an AC adapter or can operate on
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Ultra 1200 1200 L/h filter

Ultra Filter 1200 from Aquael is a modern aquarium filter designed for means and large tanks. The integrated pipe stop valve
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Aquael Naked tank 100x40x50cm

200l tank in 8mm thick for large side tensioning tanks

Large reef base

Dimensions: 45 x 28 x 40cm Product code: 9007
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Jebao Sow-20

This pump includes a wireless controller to synchronize several pumps. - fixed using a magnet, easy to
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Tunze Turbelle Stream 6085

Turbelle® stream 6085 pour aquariums de 400 à 1.000 L Débit : 8.000 l/h Consommation : 14 W Tension :
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Jbl procristal UV-C 18W

Clear and healthy water: UV-C 18 W water sterilizer for the rapid and effective elimination of greenish turbidity and