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Ciano Bio-Bact Vert Medium (1 piece)

Filter cartridge for perfect support for the ecosystem of your aquarium It is advisable to change it every 140 days dimension
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Blue Marine Pest Catcher

Snail trap, verses and crabs for marine aquarium and freshwater aquarium. Allows you to catch small animals without stressing
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Blue Marine Multi Reactor 900

Multi reactor increases the filtration capacity of existing filters. The reactor can be connected to a separate pump
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Blue Marine Multi Reactor 2100

Multi reactor increases the filtration capacity of existing filters. The reactor can be connected to a separate pump

Blue Marine Hydrometer

Hydrometer to control salt density in your marine aquarium                                               
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Blue Marine Fish Insulation Box

Fish insulation box Dimensions: 6 x 6 x 11cm
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On order
On order
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Blue Marine Container 2.5L

Récipient doseur idéal pour stocker des liquides et les raccorder à une pompe doseuse
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Blue Marine Cooking Chiller 800

The installation of a cold group allows you to cool the fresh water or sea water from your aquarium in a closed circuit. The cold groups of the Blue Marine range are equipped with a microprocessor which makes it possible to memorize the desired temperature. They are provided with a solid metal chassis and a plastic anti-flabber protection. Their quality capacitor and their phonic double isolation make them less noisy and more reliable than other products on the market. The titanium thermal exchanger and the presence of an evaporator avoid corrosion linked to salt. The installation of the cold blue group