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Glamorca Filter Bloc of Active

The Block Active Carbon Filter eliminates impurities such as chlorine, organic contaminants, pesticides and

Glamorca Active coal filter

The active coal filter eliminates volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, herbicides, chlorine and many

Dennerle Snail Catcher

To eliminate unwanted snails, simply pull the catch-up along the aquarium window and roll the snails

Dennerle Scaper's SOIL 100% natural 8L

Nutritious substrate for vigorous plant growth with all mineral salts and vital trace elements with earth

Will be filtration wadding 500gr

For the mechanical pre-filtration of fine particles of dirt, the filtration wadding will be for the mechanical pre-filtration is made up
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Dennerle Vital Elixier 500ml

Trace elements for vital elixier fresh water aquariums: for fish in magnificent colors more iodine for the proper functioning of
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Dennerle clear water elixier 500ml

Matériau filtrant liquide Pour une amélioration rapide et durable de la qualité de l’eau Supprime les impuretés les plus fines, les

ESHA Protalon-727 20+10ml

    conditionneur pour les poissons d’eau douce. Protalon-727 active l’action auto-épuratrice des stomates des feuilles. Les dépôts sur les
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Red Sea Reef Energy Plus Coral Nutrition AB+ 1000ml

Reef Energy® plus super nutrition all-in-one for all-in-one super nutrition corals for corauxreef Energy Plus will delight your corals in their

Superfish cartouche panorama 20

Cartouches de filtration pour aquariums Superfish PANORAMA LED : un set complet de 2 mousses (grosse fine) et une cartouche
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Red Sea KH 1L (Foundation B)

Calcium, magnesium, strontium and carbonates are the basic basic elements of the coral skeleton. All these