Start up nano 4 bulbs

    Start up, to start and quickly populate an aquarium without risk for fish. Start -up allows a

Dennerle Bacto Elixierbio 50ml

Activation of the rapid and simple organic filter guaranteed: 100,000,000 living bacteria per Millilitre* This represents 5,000,000,000 of cateries of
On order

Pre-fads for Discus fish 1kg

Minerals with discus provide all the minerals and trace elements necessary for osmosis water and fresh water
On order

Will be organic nitrwith 5000ml

Liquid filtration media in the water of the aquarium The products resulting from excrement and decomposition constantly cause

Sera Aquatan 250ml

conditionneur d’eau Lors de chaque changement d’eau, des substances toxiques,comme le chlore et les métaux lourds,peuvent être présents dans l’eau

JBL Denitrol 100ml

Bacteria activator for the introduction of fish in freshwater and sea water aquariums A water suitable for

Liquogenous 6%

  Liquogène 6%, pour oxydator A. Recharge de 1L    

sera nitrite minus 500ml

Au cours de la phase de démarrage d’un nouvel aquarium, l’accumulation de nitrites (« pic de nitrites ») est une

Will be catappa XL

  Badamier leaves for the natural treatment of water with will be catappa leaves, water can be treated as in

Will be catappa

  Badamier leaves for the natural treatment of water with will be catappa leaves, water can be treated as in

Sera Bio nitrivec 100ml

Liquid filtration media in the water of the aquarium The products resulting from excrement and decomposition constantly cause

Will be aquatan 2500ml

conditionneur d’eau Lors de chaque changement d’eau, des substances toxiques,comme le chlore et les métaux lourds,peuvent être présents dans l’eau