On order

Pre-fads for Discus fish 1kg

Minerals with discus provide all the minerals and trace elements necessary for osmosis water and fresh water

Will be organic nitrwith 500ml

Liquid filtration media in the water of the aquarium The products resulting from excrement and decomposition constantly cause

Easy-Life organic exit green 1l

An biological imbalance can give rise to plants that have poor growth and loss of sugars. These

Easy-Life Filter Medium 1000ml

Easy-Life Filter Medium is the most versatile water conditioner on the market. It makes the crystal clear water. He is

Sera Ph/Kh moins 500ml

De l’eau à faible dureté – mais en toute sécurité Réduit les valeurs de pH et KH Ajuste la dureté

Sera KH/pH plus 500ml

Stability and safety Carbonate hardness (KH) is one of the most important parameters of the aquarium water. A

JBL Denitrol 250ml

Bacteria activator for the introduction of fish in freshwater and sea water aquariums A water suitable for

Sera Phosvec clear 500ml

élimine les phosphates et les turbidités la matière minérale ainsi que la matière organique morte peuvent entraîner le trouble

Seachem Prime 250ml

Seachem Prime is a complete conditioner for fresh water and seawater that removes chlorine and chloramine and

easy-life voogle 500ml

Voogle est un produit inoffensif qui soutient la santé des poissons et renforce leur système immunitaire. L’utilisation de Voogle permet

Will be toxivec 500ml

Will be toxivec is a treatment that makes it possible to instantly eliminate harmful substances such as chlorine, chloramines, ammonium, ammonia,

Will be organic nitrwith 250ml

Liquid filtration media in the water of the aquarium The products resulting from excrement and decomposition constantly cause