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On order

Colombo Flora Base 1L

• Florabase is a substrate of Japanese origin which stabilizes the pH of the water aquarium around 6, which increases the

Colombo Flora Fer Tabs

Tablets provide an extra iron with the roots. For their assimilation of iron, certain plants have almost exclusively recourse
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Dennerle carbo care pro 250ml

  Engrais de carbone pour plantes d‘aquarium– Approvisionnement en carbone pour les plantes d‘aquarium– Le carbone est le nutriment le

Dennerle Plant Elixir Basic 500ml

Plant Elixir Basic offers a universal nutrient intake for all planted aquariums. It is the most versatile among

JBL PROFLORA Ferropol 250ml

Fertilizer for plants in freshwater aquarium basic menu for aquatic plants: basic fertilizer for water aquariums

Will be Florena 250 ml

Liquid treatment for superb aquatic plants basic care with minerals and UV-resistant trace elements for

Jbl sansibar dark 5kg

Black floor substrate for fresh water aquariums perfect root support: flooring substrate with granulometry from 02 to

Jbl sansibar river 5kg

Clear and fine soil substrate, dotted with small black stones for freshwater aquariums substrate of grain floor

Will be floredepot bag 2.4kg

A good basis for a successful plant interview will be Fluredepot is paid under the grounds proper

Dennerle all in one 250ml

L‘entretien facile de l‘aquarium pour les poissons, crevettes, plantes, filtre et eau : All in One! Elixier Idéal pour la
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Dennerle DosATOR

Avec le Dennerle Dosator flacon doseur, les plantes d’aquarium sont fertilisées comme dans la nature car elles reçoivent en permanence