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Juwel Biopad M

Ourate for Juwel M filter M The Juwel filter wadding is used to retain large suspended impurities in water. (to change
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Juwel Nitrax M

Anti nitrates mousse for filter m juwel nitrax is a biological filter environment intended to decompose the nitrates present in
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Juwel Biocarb M

Coal mousse for filter M the juwel coal foam absorb olfactory materials and turbidity agents as well

Juwel Bioplus Coarse M

Large blue foam for filter M the juwel filter foam with large pores is used to ensure the mechanical and biological filtration of
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juwel bioplus fine M

Mousse bleue fine pour filtre M La mousse filtrante JUWEL fine sert en premier lieu à la filtration biologique (à remplacer

ESHA Gastrobel 10ml

Ce produit est très efficace et limite la population des escargots en eau douceConditionnement 10 ml pour 500 l d’eau.
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Juwel Carbax M

Active coal drafts for filter M the excellent absorption capacity of Carbax permanently and quickly prevents the alterations of

Colombo aerocol 100ml

Colombo aerocol is an effective treatment for blue algae in freshwater aquariums. Dosage: aerocol should be used

MB400 1L purolite

MB400 purolite is a mixed bed resin ideal for direct water purification. It contains a mixture ratio

Glamorca Disation filter

The deionization filter makes it possible to produce water of very high purity. This step allows you to delete anions

juwel bioplus fine ONE

Mousse bleue fine pour filtre ONE (pour priomo 60 et 70) La mousse filtrante JUWEL fine sert en premier lieu à