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juwel multilux led 100

Brilliant lighting and magnificent plant growth: this is what Multilux offers, modern LED lighting technology
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Seachem flourish excel 4000ml

Carbone liquide Flourish Excel est une façon simple de fournir du carbone organique facilement assimilable à votre aquarium.Il favorise la

Superfish scaper LED 131cm/50w

Slim-line LED Design Lighting for open and closed aquariums of a size between 112 and 131 cm • Designed

Scaper Led 131

<p>Éclairage LED design Slim-line pour les aquariums ouverts et fermés d’une taille comprise entre 112 et 131 cm • Conçu

Eheim eXperience 250

With its predecessor, the Professional, the EHEIM launched the first series of exterior square filters. Benefits

Eheim classic 350 avec masses filtrantes (2215)

Aquarium jusqu’à : 120-350 Débit de la pompe : 620 l/hl Colonne d’eau Hmax : 1,8m Consommation de courant : 15W Volume de

Juwel Helialux Appontrol

With the Helialux Appcontrol, you can program and control your HELIALUX lighting easily via the MyJuWel application, from anywhere. -
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juwel multilux led 92

Brilliant lighting and magnificent plant growth: this is what Multilux offers, modern LED lighting technology
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Sera Fil bioactive 130+UV

Versatile and easy-to-use exterior filters for freshwater aquariums with UV-C these powerful filters but at the same time

EHEIM ECCO PRO 300 (2036)

 Delivered with: -1 x Active coal foam-1 x wadding-x filter-eheim substrate-eheim mechpro accessories: -2 x tap