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Tropica Bacopa Caroliniana

Tissue crop aquarium plant in sealed cup. Bacopa Caroliniana comes from the United States, it has been cultivated for a long time by
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Tropica Anubias Barteri Nana

Tissue crop aquarium plant in sealed cup. Anubias Barteri Var. girl: small attractive plant, who likes in

Tropica Anubias Barteri "Mini Coin"

Anubias 'Mini Coin' is a variety of Anubias Barteri found at the tropica aquarium nursery in Denmark. This plant is part

Tropica Alternanthera Reinickii "Mini"

<p>Tissue crop aquarium plant in sealed cup.</p><p> This miniature variety of Alternanthera stands out for its compact and moderate growth.

B-Box Module Cup M

Thanks to the modular configuration of the B-Box filtration system, it is possible to add an additional modular cup (size M)

B-Box Cup L module

The modular configuration of the B-Box filtration system allows you to add an additional modular cup (size L) to biobox filters, in

B-Box anti algae m

Ecological cartridges Aquatlantis B-Box offer higher filtration and minimize environmental impact thanks to the unique compostable properties of the case

B-Box anti algae l

Ecological cartridges Aquatlantis B-Box offer higher filtration and minimize environmental impact thanks to the unique compostable properties of the case

B-Box pure water m

Ecological cartridges Aquatlantis B-Box offer higher filtration and minimize environmental impact thanks to the unique compostable properties of the case

B-Box Pure Water L

Ecological cartridges Aquatlantis B-Box offer higher filtration and minimize environmental impact thanks to the unique compostable properties of the case
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B-Box Cleanwater M

Ecological cartridges Aquatlantis B-Box offer higher filtration and minimize environmental impact thanks to the unique compostable properties of the case

B-Box Cleanwater L

Ecological cartridges Aquatlantis B-Box offer higher filtration and minimize environmental impact thanks to the unique compostable properties of the case