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Dennerle Nano Filtermodul

Nano FilterModul de Dennerlé is a strap that replaces the nano filter element for nano angular filter and nano XL angular filter.
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Will be scaper root xs

Filigrane root in three different sizes will be scaper root is a particularly watermark root, which is ideal for reproduction

Hobby Nido 1

Floating penalty that adapts to the water level. Also adapted as breeding tank. With separation wall for two fish. size

Superfish window scraper

Easily removes algae deposits and the most stubborn dirt on the aquarium window. additional blades sold separately

Dennerle Plant Care Pro journalier 100ml

Engrais haute performance pour plantes d‘aquarium exigeantes – Engrais haute performance pour aquariums fortement plantés avec de bonnes conditions de

B-Box Cleanwater L

Ecological cartridges Aquatlantis B-Box offer higher filtration and minimize environmental impact thanks to the unique compostable properties of the case
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Tropica Blyxa Japanica

Blyxa Japanica naturally grows in South and Southeast Asia in ponds, swamps and rivers at

Tropica BUCPHALANDRA "Kedagang"

'Kedagang' is a variant of the Bucepta family, originally from Borneo. Characterized by its narrow dark green leaves, dotted

Tropica BUCPHALANDRA Pygmaea "Bukit Kelam"

In the wild, Buceptara usually grows on rocks or roots in rivers and rivers -

Tropica BUCPHALANDRA SP. "Needle Leaf"

Although the Buceptales come from Asia and the Anubias of Africa, they have a lot in common, including the way

Tropica Cryptocoryne Nurii

This beautiful variation of Nurii cryptocoryne was found in the wild in Malaysia around 1970. In the aquarophilia, it is