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GHL PL-LF-S8 (PL-0080)

Fixation de capteur de niveau pour support de capteur de niveau, fente de 8 mm, adaptée à notre Floater, entre

Glamorca Active coal filter

The active coal filter eliminates volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pesticides, herbicides, chlorine and many
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Colombo Flora Base 1L

• Florabase is a substrate of Japanese origin which stabilizes the pH of the water aquarium around 6, which increases the

Colombo Flora Fer Tabs

Tablets provide an extra iron with the roots. For their assimilation of iron, certain plants have almost exclusively recourse
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Dennerle Nano ActiveCarbon

Active coal 300ml eliminates harmful substances, bad odors and neutral pH water coloring does not release
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Dennerle Nano Bio Filtergranules

long -term filtering material, organic and powerful effective degradation of harmful substances based on natural clay minerals colonization surface

JBL Artemiomix

Mixture made from salt and artemia eggs to dilute living food for tropical fish of fresh water and water
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JBL blades for Floaty L/XL

Spare blades for Floaty Blade. Easy and effective cleaning of aquarium windows, non -sharp spare blades for Floaty
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Aide idéale à la ponte pour les Discus : cône de ponte pour Discus femelles prêtes à pondre Accueil très
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JBL pH-Plus 250ml

Conditionneur d’eau pour augmenter le pH dans les aquariums d’eau douce et d’eau de mer Pour adapter le pH aux

JBL Symecpad II CristalProfi E4/7/901.2

The filter wadding squares have the advantage of not fraying like the filter wadding and having been cut in the