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DD H20 Ocean Compact Ato

H2OCEAN COMPACT ATO-AUTO WATER TOP OFF-(DD) This ultra-compact osmoler is simple to assemble, easy to use

Fauna Marin RTN/STN X 500ml

RTN / STN X is a protective agent of corals and acts against tissue necrosis of corals (RTN /

Rechargeable CO2 2kg bottles

Rechargeable CO2 bottle, 2,000 g Silver Edition with deprotection system against overpressure and basket deprotection of the valve. Tested
On order

Magnetic agitator for water test

In order to facilitate colorimetric tests, and save in measurement time, magnetic agitators are very practical! The car
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Aquaforest Stonefix 1.5kg

In use: mix a small amount of glue with water until a homogeneous, pasty solution, and start

Fauna Marin LPS Grow + Color M 250ml

Fauna Marin Ultra LPS Grow & Color M 250 ml is a pellet food for corals. Based on natural and combined plankton

Tunze Turbelle Nanostream 6020

For aquariums from 40 to 250L Debit: approx. 2,500l/hconsimation: 4WTESSION: 230V/50Hz (115V/60Hz) cable length: 2mDimensions without deflector: 65 x 60 x
On order

GHL KH Director Reagent 1000ml (PL-1542)

Réactifs pour Kh Director. Consommation du KH Director : 1 à 3ml par mesure. Un seul flacon de réactif de 1000

Hikari Marine at 110gr

Une alimentation riche en rehaussant la couleur supérieure pour les poissons marins plus vous aider à garder leur meilleur. Offres

Hanna Hi772 Handheld Colorimeter Marine Alkalinity

In aquarophilia, alkalinity makes it possible to determine the buffer power of water, that is to say its ability to maintain pH