Hanna Hi772 Handheld Colorimeter Marine Alkalinity

In aquarophilia, alkalinity makes it possible to determine the buffer power of water, that is to say its ability to maintain pH
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GHL pH-Electrode (PL-0071)

  Électrode de pH Les électrodes de pH sont équipées d’un électrolyte gel et d’un diaphragme en céramique, câble

Reef ICP Test L 3+1

Simply fast and precise ICP test description The Fauna Marin Basis ICP test gives a quick and easy preview
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Red Sea Reef-Spec »High Precision Refractomer

The seawater refractometer offers exceptional precision because it uses a specific algorithm developed to measure the
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GHL Temperature Sensor Aquarium (PL-1115)

Temperature probe with BNC sheet, 3 m cable, for GHL Dosser 2, Expansion Box 2 and Extension Cards
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Trident Reagent Kit

Réactif de Neptune pour Neptune Trident Kit de réactifs de 2 mois (basé sur le programme de test standard de
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GHL Propellecontrol-2.1 (PL-0265)

Propelrcontrol allows the computer profile to operate the propellerbreeze -firing fan with speed control. Propellecontrol is connected to a
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GHL 4 sensor support (PL-1053)

Sensor 4 support suitable up to a 15 mm glass thickness, for four sensors, each with a

GHL level sensor, float (PL-1889)

Level sensor, float level sensor, float with mini-din socket and 3 m cable. For vertical mounting only