On order
tunze doc skimmer 9430 dc
On order
Deltec Skimmer 2000i (24V DC Pump)
Bientôt de retour
Red Sea Reefled 160s
On order
Deltec PF 601
On order
Tunze Macro Algae Reactor 3182
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tunze calcium automat 3172
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tunze doc skimmer 9430
On order
Deltec Skimmer 1500ix (230V AC pump)
On order
Blue Marine Cooking Chiller 800
The installation of a cold group allows you to cool the fresh water or sea water from your aquarium in a closed circuit. The cold groups of the Blue Marine range are equipped with a microprocessor which makes it possible to memorize the desired temperature. They are provided with a solid metal chassis and a plastic anti-flabber protection. Their quality capacitor and their phonic double isolation make them less noisy and more reliable than other products on the market. The titanium thermal exchanger and the presence of an evaporator avoid corrosion linked to salt. The installation of the cold blue group
On order
Deltec PF 501
On order