Carb L is an active carbon specially made for permanent and long -term use.
Extremely pure, activated by steam and pre-nettoyer, the effect effective to remove the yellow colors from the water, turbidity and toxins, it is essential to maintain good water quality in all aquarum. Carb l is devoid of phosphates and has a very high absorption capacity. Carb L is designed for continuous and long -term use, but it is advisable to change it every 30 days. Suitable for sea water and fresh water, purifies water without any negative effects.
Continuous treatments in carb plays a fundamental role in a Zeo-Light system in Fauna Marin. Carb L is essential to maintain corals of the SPS and LPS sensitive and is therefore used continuously. Treatment with activated carbon provides clear water like crystal.
1L (500gr) per 1000l if used in a fluidized bed filter.
2L (1kg) per 1000l if used in a sock.
Change frequency:
Replace carb activated carb carbon after 4 weeks of use. Please replace coal and alternating zeolite.
Soak the active coal in boiling osmosa water and letting rest for 24 hours in this same water.
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