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HS Meuse sand gravel 9kg

Ideal for cichlid and discus aquariums. 

Dennerle Shrimp King Protein 45gr

Food sticks as targeted food supplements, enriched with protein and quality amino acids. Content

Pebbles cave 2

– très approprié à l’aménagement d’aquariums et de terrariums– apparence naturelle; idéal pour aménager naturellement des aquariums ou des terrariums

Pebble mountain grey M

Aquarium decoration in polyresin (synthetic resin) - non -toxic, neutral for biological balance - suitable for fresh water. - unique color, light
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Pebble mountain black M

Aquarium decoration in polyresin (synthetic resin) - non -toxic, neutral for biological balance - suitable for fresh water. - unique color, light

Tetra easycrystal filterpack C250/300

Tetra Easy Crystal filterpack C 250/300 (x3) contient des mousses filtrantes de charbon actif pour aquarium Cartouche de filtration au charbon

HS Big gravel 9kg dark brown

Gravel of a 3-5 mm granulometry in natural water. The gravel brings out the colors of the fish and
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Fauna Marin Reef Tools 12 × 3.3cm

Fauna Marin plugs are neutral in seawater and promote the growth of corals. Because of

Red Sea Dipx 100ml

New corals often arrive with unwanted hidden in their infractures. These various small creatures are often invisible to

Hikari Lionhead Mini 100gr

Hikari Lionhead est une alternative à la nourriture vivante spécialement mise au point pour stimuler la croissance et le développement

Hikari Tropical Vibra Bites 73gr

Hikari Vibra Bites est un aliment unique dans son genre développé pour imiter la forme et les mouvements de larves