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Fauna Marin Elementals p 1000ml

Elementals P is a highly concentrated phosphate solution for salt water aquariums, intended to compensate for deficits individually
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Colombo Scaper CO2 40cm diffuser

CO2 diffuser Colombo Scaper Professional CO2 diffuser: Perfect for the ideal aquascaping for dissolving CO2 in the water from the aquarium. THE

Sera lampe UV-C 5W

lampe de rechange pour : -algovec+UV -bioactive IF 400+UV -marin biotop cubes 130
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Asian Stone 3

 Décoration d’aquarium en polyresin (résine synthétique)– Non toxique, neutre pour l’équilibre biologique– Convient pour l’eau douce – Couleur unique, de légers

EHEIM Thermocontrol E 100W

  Electronic version of the famous EHEIM heating! More precise and even safer! For aquarium from 100 to

Aquatlantis cleanbox pro activated carbon XL

Active charcoal eliminates dissolved organic waste, odors, colors and toxins of the aquarium water, by

Honeycomb L

For a personalized decoration: Recreat animal biotopes with natural materials collected. Dimensions: 40-50cm Consulting:

Superfish Power Glass Clean

Le Power Glass Clean, élimine facilement les algues et nettoie le verre de l’aquarium
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Aquaforest Phosphate Minus 1000ml

Efficient environment for fluidization filters. Too much food and supplements can be the cause of too high phosphate levels. Grace

Fauna Marin 100% Natural Rebiotic 100ml

Rebiotic is a unique mixture of lyophilized bacteria intended to restore a stable bacterial environment in the marine aquarium. The addition of
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AMS Bacti-Pro-EXTRA 474ML (stock breach)

The highest existing concentration of alive beneficial bacteria strains currently available. Kick Start Cyclechart and maintain a bio-filter

Hikari Tropical Vibra Bites 280gr

Hikari Vibra Bites est un aliment unique dans son genre développé pour imiter la forme et les mouvements de larves