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Jbl sansibar dark 5kg

Black floor substrate for fresh water aquariums perfect root support: flooring substrate with granulometry from 02 to

JBL Carbomec Activ

Elimination of drug residues, undesirable colors of water and macromolecular organic impurities: hyperactive filtration coal for

Sera Toxivec 250ml

élimine les substances nocives des facteurs comme la suralimentation,la surpopulation,l’installation d’un nouvel aquarium,des travaux de nettoyage importants et l’utilisation

Will be stör pelets1000ml

The food for small sturgeons will be stör pearlets is the food composed based on pellets made according to a special process,

Will be pond flakes 3800ml

Flocons food for small basin fish will be laid flakes is the fabric -based food made

Will be Florena 250 ml

Liquid treatment for superb aquatic plants basic care with minerals and UV-resistant trace elements for

Will be discus immun pro nature 250ml

Aliment de croissance pour discus avec probiotique sera Discus ImmunPro Nature est l’aliment de croissance sans colorants et conservateurs à
On order

Will be Goldy Granules 1000ml

  Aliment en granulés pour les grands poissons rouges avec 4 % de farine d’insectes sera Goldy Gran Nature est l’aliment