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On order

Myriophyllum L -Discal

Realistic artificial plants made with highest quality materials. With these plastic plants on rock, you can
On order

Decoping superfish Henekelianus L

Realistic artificial plants made with highest quality materials. With these plastic plants on rock, you can

Professional eheim 3 filtering foam/wadding cushions

Characteristics: - Set of 5 foams for external filter of an aquarium EHEIM PRO 3– 1 blue foam: 21 x 21 x 2

Eheim aqua Filter Cartridges

cartouche filtrante (2x) pour filtre aquarium interne aqua (types 2206, 2207 et 2208) Cartouches filtrantes pour filtres internes aqua 60 , aqua 160 et aqua 200 les cartouches filtrantes d’ EHEIM sont

Sera Ph/Kh moins 500ml

De l’eau à faible dureté – mais en toute sécurité Réduit les valeurs de pH et KH Ajuste la dureté

Will be bioactive black sponge 250/250+UV/400+UV

pour sera fil bioactive 250 pour sera fil bioactive 250 + UV pour sera fil bioactive 400 + UV
On order

Will be triangular cleaning bell

La cloche de nettoyage sera est un procédé simple et efficace pour enlever la vase du gravier de l’aquarium Ceci

Will be soil heating set

The suction cups will be for the will be your heating set are a fixing for the computer -controlled floor heating
On order

JBL LED Solar Natur 57W 1047mm

Maximum light yield for beautiful aquarium plants: photosynthetically active (per) extremely high, more than 220 µm/s/m2.

Digital thermometer hobby

Digital aquatic thermometer. Measure from 0 to 50 ° C, measurement interval every 5 seconds.