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Digital thermometer hobby

Digital aquatic thermometer. Measure from 0 to 50 ° C, measurement interval every 5 seconds.
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Dennerle support for glass plaque

Kit support pour nano cover 10, 20, 30, 60 litres

Dennerle Snail Catcher

To eliminate unwanted snails, simply pull the catch-up along the aquarium window and roll the snails

Superfish aquagravel white snow

Good sand is an essential element to enhance fish, plants and decorations. The river sand

Juwel Filtergrid

The Juwel Filtergrid prevents small shrimp and small fish from entering the Juwel Bioflow filter.

HS Clear gravel 9kg

Gravel of a granulometry of 1-2 mm. Suitable for fish accustomed to clear substrates. Suitable for community aquariums.

HS 9kg black gravel

Gravel of a granulometry of 1-2 mm in natural water. The black gravel brings out the colors of the fish

HS fine gravel 9kg

Gravel of a granulometry of 1 mm. The gravel brings out the colors of the fish and plants. Ideal for

HS Brown gravel 9kg

Gravel of a granulometry of 1-2 mm. The gravel brings out the colors of the fish and plants. Ideal for
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Dennerle Shrimp King Mineral 45gr

Compléments alimentaires ciblés, enrichis en minéraux. Contient 7% de calcium et 10% de montmorillonite. Soutient la mue et renforce la

Dennerle Shrimp King Snow Pops 40gr

Sticks de nourriture non flottants à base de 100% de son de soja biologique. Pour une croissance saine et équilibrée

Dennerle Shrimp King Cambarellus 45gr

The small non -floating sticks based on 100% natural ingredients are rich in calcium. They give a solid and