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Juwel Bioplus Fine XL

Mousse bleue fine pour filtre XL La mousse filtrante JUWEL fine sert en premier lieu à la filtration biologique (à remplacer
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Juwel Bioplus Coarse XL

Large blue foam for XL filter The juwel filter foam with large pores is used to ensure mechanical and biological filtration of
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juwel biopad XL

Ouate pour filtre Juwel XL La ouate filtrante JUWEL sert à retenir les grosses impuretés en suspension dans l’eau. (changer

Juwel Biopad S

Ourate for Juwel S filter S The Juwel filter wadding is used to retain large suspended impurities in water. (to change

Juwel Biocarb XL

Charcoal foam for XL filter The juwel coal foam absorb olfactory materials and turbidity agents as well

Juwel Biocarb S

Charcoal mousse for filter S Juwel coal foam absorb olfactory materials and turbidity agents as well
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juwel bague d’étanchéité T5

juwel bague d’étanchéité T5 (2 pièces)

Juwel Aquaheat Pro 300 Watt

The Juwel heating guarantees safely and reliable that your aquarium is at the right temperature. Through use

Juwel Amorax M

Additional cassette for M AMORAX filter is a highly effective filter medium intended to decompose ammonium in your aquarium. He
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Juwel Amorax L

Additional cassette for the amorax filter is a highly effective filter medium intended to decompose ammonium in your aquarium. He

Jebao Sow-8

This pump includes a wireless controller to synchronize several pumps. - fixed using a magnet, easy to

Jebao Sow-4

Reefwave 25 is a pump equipped with a WiFi controller, it allows the full adjustment of the pump to smartphone. Maximum flow of 7500