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Cryptocoryne 25 cm

You can easily configure your aquarium with these plastic plants on rock. Press the plant base

Echinodorus 25 cm

You can easily configure your aquarium with these plastic plants on rock. Press the plant base
On order

Dracaena 25 cm

You can easily configure your aquarium with these plastic plants on rock. Press the plant base

Hottonia 25 cm

You can easily configure your aquarium with these plastic plants on rock. Press the plant base

Ludwigia 25 cm

You can easily configure your aquarium with these plastic plants on rock. Press the plant base

Orange ludwigia 25 cm

You can easily configure your aquarium with these plastic plants on rock. Press the plant base

Orange 25 cm

You can easily configure your aquarium with these plastic plants on rock. Press the plant base

Microsorium 25 cm

You can easily configure your aquarium with these plastic plants on rock. Press the plant base

Myriophyllum Red 25 cm

You can easily configure your aquarium with these plastic plants on rock. Press the plant base

Rotala 25 cm

You can easily configure your aquarium with these plastic plants on rock. Press the plant base

Easy Plants M 20 cm

Magnificent high quality artificial plants with a realistic appearance for a natural and maintenance -free decoration of your aquarium. Easy