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Tropica Lobelia cardinalis « mini »

Parfois les plantes surprennent en déviant tout à coup de leur mode de croissance normal. C’est ce qu’on appelle une
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Tropica Littorella uniflora

Littorella uniflora est une plante facilement reconnaissable dans l’aquarium. Elle pousse à l’état sauvage sur les berges des lacs en

Tropica Limnobium Laevigatum

Tissue crop aquarium plant in sealed cup. Floating, decorative South American plant, particularly suitable for non-covered aquariums. Its height
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Tropica lilaeopsis brasiliensis

The Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis of South America can become very dense, but a really "grassy" effect cannot be obtained

Tropica Leptdictyum Riparium

The leptdictyum riparium is a slender and erect foam which tolerates high and low temperatures. Leptodictyum riparium is often
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Tropica Juncus Repens

Juncus Repens is from the swampy areas in southeast North America. This herbaceous plant is rather not very demanding
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Tropica Hygrophila Pinnifida

Tissue crop aquarium plant in sealed cup. The Indian Pinnifida hygrophila is adorned in aquarium of lobed leaves of
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Tropica Hygrophila launched "Araguaia"

"Araguaia" is a river located in Brazil, which gave its name to this plant plant. Nevertheless, many
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Tropica Hydrocotyle Tripartita

Hydrocotyle Tripartita comes from Southeast Asia and will make a ground cover 5 to 10 cm high. It is

Tropica Hottonia Patustris

The Hottonia rod plant in Asia and Europe is a plant for unpretentious and easy beginners. The many shoots