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Superfish thermometer aquarium

Precise aquarium thermometers, easy reading. For tropical and sea aquariums.
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Superfish Eco Heater 25W

Eco Heater 25W heating is very compact and designed for small aquariums. Eco Heates have a

JBL the thermometer digiscan tube

Un thermomètre à eau pratique et précis, qui se fixe sur un tuyau à eau et ne gêne pas dans

Juwel Aquaheat Pro 100 Watt

The Juwel heating guarantees safely and reliable that your aquarium is at the right temperature. Through use

Juwel Digital Thermomètre 3.0

Avec le thermomètre numérique 3.0 de JUWEL, vous pouvez facilement vérifier la température de l’eau dans votre aquarium. Le grand

EHEIM Thermocontrol E 400W

With the EHEIM Thermocontrol-e heating, your fish get the right temperature with even more precision-in each aquarium.

JBL Protemp Cooler 300

Cooking for freshwater or sea water aquariums from 90 to 300 l. - cooling of the temperature

Jbl protemp Cooler 200

Cooking for freshwater or seawater aquariums from 60 to 200 l. - cooling of the temperature
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Jbl protemp cool control

12 V control thermostat for aquarium coolers. - Automatic start of the cooler in the event of a temperature exceeding