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juwel paroi de fond stone granite 60x55cm

La paroi arrière Stone Granite séduit par sa teinte granite naturelle, sa structure rocheuse hyper réaliste ainsi que son effet
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juwel paroi de fond cliff light 60x55cm

La paroi arrière Cliff Light est une reproduction fidèle de roche clair couleur sable. Malgré sa faible épaisseur de montage

HS Meuse sand gravel 9kg

Ideal for cichlid and discus aquariums. 
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Dennerle Gravier For Shrimps Snda 2kg

Without agents of neutral hardness in stable water in light resistant to CO2 rounded grains granulometry 0.7 to 1.2

Juwel Poster 2 XL/150x60cm

With its two light blue submarine evocations universe of the front and back, the post 2 offers two pleasant patterns

Juwel Poster 1 XL/150x60cm

With its underwater universe of the front and its background motif on the back, the post 1 offers two pleasant patterns

Will be scaper root s

Filigrane root in three different sizes will be scaper root is a particularly watermark root, which is ideal for reproduction

Will be scaper root xs

Filigrane root in three different sizes will be scaper root is a particularly watermark root, which is ideal for reproduction

Hs graviers noirs 20kg

Gravel of a granulometry of 1-2 mm in natural water. The black gravel brings out the colors of the fish

juwel poster 4 L/100x50cm

Le poster 4 Rock & AquaScape relève la décoration de votre aquarium de manière impressionnante. La décoration AquaScape moderne d’un côté et
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JBL Cocos Cava 3/4

Cacontte and layer for fish, hiding place and dormitory for terrarium animals: coconut shells for aquariums

Will be scaper root m

Filigrane root in three different sizes will be scaper root is a particularly watermark root, which is ideal for reproduction