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Superfish biotope setta setta

Complete set of natural products to optimize the aquatic biotope of Bettas.

Superfish Biotope Set Shrimp

Complete set of natural products to optimize the aquatic biotope of shrimp.
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Dennerle Betta Water 250ml

Water conditioner to fight fish - transforms water from the aggressive tap into aquarium water appropriate for fish and

Superfish Biotope Set Amazon

Complete set of natural products to optimize water quality in an Amazonian biotope

Superfish Biotope Set Asia

Complete set of natural products to optimize water quality in an Asian biotope.

Superfish Biotope Set Africa

Complete set of natural products to optimize water quality in an African biotope.

Water Clear Large 1pc Bleu

Eliminates substances harmful to your fish and maintains crystal clear water without smells. Preventive action against the appearance of algae. Compatible

Stop AMMO 6 Bulbs

Prodibio Stop AMMO 6 Bulbs: neutralizes ammonia and limits the production of nitrites! Prodibio stop ammo 6 bulbs is a
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Prodibio bioptim 6 bulbs

Bioptim brings all the micro-elements necessary for the life of the aquarium such as amino acids, enzymes, vitamins.

Dennerle All For Betta

Complete treatment for fighter fish that can be: - Food: Betta Booster 12 g - Protection and Care: Betta Care 250 ml -