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Will be catappa

  Badamier leaves for the natural treatment of water with will be catappa leaves, water can be treated as in

Sera Bio nitrivec 100ml

Liquid filtration media in the water of the aquarium The products resulting from excrement and decomposition constantly cause

Will be aquatan 2500ml

conditionneur d’eau Lors de chaque changement d’eau, des substances toxiques,comme le chlore et les métaux lourds,peuvent être présents dans l’eau

Will be aqua-test set

The set will be contained the 4 main tests: -Theter of the pH -Total dureté -Carbonate dureté -Nitrites

Optima 2000ml

Optima is a very high quality active charcoal with Optima resins clean and purifies an aquarium in
On order

Log Wood L

des copies de racine de bois naturel pour créer votre monde sous-marin dimensions : 33 x 12 x 13cm

Juwel Poster 3 L/100x50cm

The 3 Black & White poster raises the decoration of your aquarium impressively. The two black patterns
On order

Juwel Pump Eccoflow 600 Axis + Rotor

The impulsers adapted to the traffic pumps Juwel Eccoflow. Regular replacement guarantees silent operation and a flow of

Juwel Pump Eccoflow 1000

The Juwel Eccoflow pumps are the new generation of highly effective and silent water circulation pumps. They are distinguished

Juwel Phorax XL

Additional cassette for filter m juwel phorax is a highly effective filtering material intended to decompose phosphates in your

juwel novolux led blanc 80

NovoLux White est un éclairage LED additionnel, étanche et à faible consommation d’énergie pour votre aquarium. Montage facile grâce à

Juwel Multilux LED 150

Brilliant lighting and magnificent plant growth: this is what Multilux offers, modern LED lighting technology